

One word. Genealogy.

See Our Parish Sites

Find YOUR Louisiana ancestors!

We are here for you! Our Goal is to have great county sites so you can find what you need without having to pay for it.

We are proud of LAGenWeb. We have a dedicated group of volunteers, but we need more! Please consider adopting one of our parishes. If you or your genealogy group would like to adopt a parish, please contact  Marsha Bryant, SC LAGenWeb.

Thank you to our former State Coordinators: Jo Branch and Edward Hayen. They have served the LAGenWeb faithfully for years. I have huge footsteps to follow! ~ Marsha



Take a look at some of our Special Projects and Links of Interest. If you have others to add, please contact Marsha Bryant.

Many parishes would love to have a local Assistant Coordinator to help gather records and place them on the site. If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please let the parish coordinator know. If the parish does not have a coordinator, please let Marsha know. This position does not require any html knowledge. We really need volunteers!

About the LAGenWeb Project

Here you will find volunteers who coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of our parish web pages. Contact the volunteer shown on the parish page if you have a desire to add your data



USGenWeb was established in 1996 by a group of genealogists who shared a desire to create online centers for genealogical research. Each of our literally thousands of web sites have been created and are maintained by volunteers. 

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Family Quotes



State Coordinator: Marsha Bryant


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